Barra de musica

30 de julio de 2014


Jezebel wasn't born with a silver spoon in her mouth
She probably had less than every one of us
But when she knew how to walk she knew
How to bring the house down
Can't blame her for her beauty
She wins with her hands down

Jezebel, what a belle
Looks like a princess in her new dress
How did you get that?
Do you really want to know she said
It would seem she's on her way
It's more, more than just a dream
She put on her stockings and shoes
Had nothing to lose, she said it was worth it[Sade]

Outfit:  FLG Store - Hippie Life/Includes Tango & Mirage & Deliqc & Wowmeh & Lace Feet Slink High & Glasses & Necklace[Group Gift/Free To Join]

Hair: Analog Dog - Pop Scoth/Splass/Includes hud to chante texture - FREE BALL

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